Choosing Dress for Woman

Well, to avoid things that are not desired, consider some of the following tips on choosing the color of the dress.

1. If your skin light colored or white, you should avoid dresses with pastel colors such as light brown, light blue or pink, because these colors will make you look pale.

2. If your skin tan color, then the color of your dress is suitable for tropical colors, such as orange, yellow, green, blue, and red.

3. If your skin tends to be dark brown or black, the color of the dress is suitable for you to wear the colors of the soft soil.

4. If you include women who are obese, then dress with dark colors will show on your body slim impression. Suggested colors include black, dark blue, dark brown, red or maroon.

5. Especially for obese women, avoid dresses with ruffles, lace, pleats, or even better as a dress with a simple model will make you look more slender and graceful.

After the selection of the model and color of the dress, there are some things that you should consider, among which are :

Adjust the color of the dress you wear with time and place.

Wear dresses with dark colors specifically for formal events and dress in bright colors for informal events.

Adjust the color of the dress with your character.

Avoid wearing clothes that are contrary to the skin color of the body, as it will only make you look weird.

Avoid wearing accessories with colors that do not comply with the dress you wear.

Avoid wearing excessively acsesoris '

The selection of dresses suitable material to support your performance. The best material for the dress is a soft material for a good fall on the body. Dress with a thick and rigid material will make your body look great

Some of the things that support your appearance, among others :

Choose clothes that fit the shape and size of your body.

Avoid using small -sized underwear with the aim to make it look thinner, because the opposite happened, the body fat that is not accommodated will stand out and ruin your appearance.

Choose a bra that fit the size and shape of your breasts, because the use of an appropriate bra will make you look presentable. Choose a bra with a cup full of models so as to accommodate as well shut the whole breast.

Avoid selection of bras and panties with striking colors

Choose underwear with good material and easily absorb sweat. Do not get just because choosing a good model, but it makes your skin allergies.

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